On The Brink With Andi Simon

319: Becca Powers Vaughn—There Is An Inner Command Center Inside Of You. Ready To Take Control?



Hear how to harness your inner CEO and prioritize your happiness  Are you the CEO of your life? What does that mean? In this podcast, I bring to you Becca Powers Vaughn. Her story, like those of so many women, is in part about discovering your own self-worth, in part realizing that you should not let others define who you are, and in part turning your purpose into something to benefit others. But this podcast is not just for women. Men, listen carefully. Becca’s message is as relevant for you as it is for women. Why? So you can help women thrive in your personal and your professional life. A wise woman with a lot to teach us. Watch and listen to our conversation here Much to learn from Becca's “aha” moment She says it was not a very pretty moment, but one in which she had to stop the “blame and complain” game. If you are doing something like Becca was doing—blaming others for your limits or your difficulties—it is a good time to listen to this podcast and discover yourself. Becca also has a great book you