Ciara's Podcast

Anoushica: Sibling kidney donation and the healing power of receptivity



In the bright start of a brand new series,' Integrating a holistic approach to kidneys', Ciara chats to her good friend Anoushica.Including the very turbulent rollercoaster with her kidney transplant following a serious fungal infection that left her in hospital for over 3 months this year. Including days in intensive care.We cover the ache of her brother wanting to give her a kidney, her feelings of responsibility as the older sibling to him. Her eventual recognition that he was a grown man, wanting her to be alive and well. So that was the gift back to him. Reciprocity. We talk of the healing power of receptivity. As women especially, our willingness to receive. And how our healing journey happens in a. spiral. There is a divine timing - the courage too to cultivate self awareness. Always ongoing and evolving.And end with visioning a dream for the future. Get uplifted and join us in this intimate chat.A beautiful and honest conversation. Enjoy!The Harmony Hour video from November 2017:  https://yo