Ciara's Podcast

Vivien. 25 year friendship through dialysis, transplants, pregnancy, love and laughter



Episode 3 in the series 'Integrating a holistic approach to kidneys'.Ciara talks to one of her closest friends Vivien, who has a working transplant for over 25 years now. Ciara and Vivien met in the St Helier dialysis unit when they were both young students at different universities. And over 25 years later, they remain firm friends. Through the rollercoasters of their own unique journey with their kidney transplants, their friendship has been a solid through line  of soulful solace,  honest conversation, adventures, true kinship to rely on through highs and lows. What a gift to have these gems in our lives.A truly beautiful conversation where the pulse of deep friendship shines through.What does it ignite in you? Ciara Jean RobertsFounder of Wholly Aligned. Author, speaker, holistic kidney expert, yoga teacher and naturopathic nutritionist