By All Means

Duluth Pack Owner/CEO Tom Sega



Most people demonstrate their adoration of a consumer brand by buying a bunch of its products. Tom Sega bought the company. Since becoming the owner and CEO of Duluth Pack in 2007, Sega reinvigorated the brand's positioning, greatly expanded the product line and reach, and improved efficiencies that made the American-made, handcrafted canvas and leather goods collection profitable once again. Duluth Pack celebrates its 140th anniversary this year. In 2017, he did it again, buying another Duluth brand that had fallen on hard times. Spring Creek Manufacturing makes canoe paddles, mounts and an ever-expanding array of products. Resuscitating an historic brand while paying homage to its culture and traditions requires a delicate yet focused act of leadership. For Duluth Pack, Sega says the key is staying true to core values: Quality, premium products, made in America, lifetime guarantee for all craftsmanship and hardware. “We don’t apologize for who we are.” Sega shares the history of one of northern Minnesota’