Pathway To Promise Podcast W/ Dr. Brad Miller

203 Breaking Free from Therapist Abuse with Amy Nordhues author of “Prayed Upon”



She is a speaker and an author of the book entitled ‘Preyed Upon: Breaking Free From Therapist Abuse.’ Preyed Upon is a book that was written for three groups. The first one is for the victims of abuse, in hopes to let them know that they are not alone. The second one is for the people who can’t relate to abuse, those who judge people and their stories. This is to let them know how hard the experience is, and how hard it is to come forward with what happened. Lastly is for everyone, especially those people who are currently struggling to connect with God. Amy wants the people to know that these problems may have occurred, but it does not mean that God left us to suffer in pain. It wasn’t God that did this to you.   Amy Nordhues was a victim of abuse. She approached a therapist in hopes to recover from the abuse, depression, and issues with parenting and marriage. However, her therapist took advantage of her weaknesses and manipulated her to fit into his narrative.  She didn’t know what to do at