Ged Test Audio Lessons, Audio Ged Prep Project

Audio GED Prep Mathematics Lesson 1


Sinopsis Full Course is available at: For $59.99   Lesson Summary: Audio GED Prep Mathematics Lesson 1 Integers and Decimal Definition of an integer/decimal An integer is a positive or negative number that does not have a decimal or fraction. These are what are used when counting objects. When a decimal point is present, everything to the left is an integer, and everything to the right is a decimal. A decimal is a part of an integer. Numbers closer to the decimal point are larger, which is the opposite of how it is for integers. Positive and negative numbers In math, you might see what is called a number line, in which the middle point is marked 0, and numbers are listed as points on a line going out to the left and right. The number 0 is neither positive nor negative, and everything to the right of 0 is a positive number, and everything to the left of 0 is a negative number. You indicate a negative number by putting a dash/minus sign in fro