Ged Test Audio Lessons, Audio Ged Prep Project

Audio GED Prep Science Lesson 2 2015


Sinopsis Full Course is available at: For $59.99   Lesson Summary: Audio GED Prep Science Lesson 2   Life Science: Biochemistry There are two main ways in which organisms obtain the energy that they need in order to exist from day to day. There are some organisms like humans who eat other plants and animals in order to create energy. These organisms take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide. Then, there are other organisms that you a process called photosynthesis in order to convert the light from the sun into usable energy. These organisms, mostly plants, take in carbon dioxide and expel oxygen. Thus, both kinds of organisms are in a mutually-beneficial relationship that helps support all life. ADP and ATP ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) is a molecule in the body that cells use for energy transfer. When an organism processes food, it creates ATP in cells. Each molecule of ATP has three branches or phosphate groups that can be broken off. When a c