
095 General anaesthesia for C Section part 1



Welcome to this podcast, the sixth in our series of obstetric anaesthesia basics. Join us for this the first part of a conversation where we discuss all things relating to general anaesthesia for Caesarean section. Due to it's length we have split this discussion into two parts - who would have thought we could talk for so long about this! (I thought it would only be one episode and was surprised what we teased out). Thanks Laura, Matt & Roger! BASICS OF OBSTETRIC ANAESTHESIA The “Basics of Obstetric Anaesthesia” is a short series of podcasts, where we aim to discuss in a conversational manner the basic topics you will need to understand if you wish to practice obstetric anaesthesia. These will be especially useful to anaesthesia trainees new to obstetric anaesthesia but also may appeal to experienced practitioners wanting a refresher of the basics in this subspecialty area. 1 – Epidural analgesia in labour part 1 2 – Epidural analgesia in labour part 2, pitfalls and troubleshooting 3 – Acci