The Kibbe And Finnegan Show

K&F Show #26: Follow That Still – S2 Episode 15 of The Dukes of Hazzard!



Big News! From now until May 5, 2017 we are running a giveaway contest for a TRAXXAS Slash! Entry is free and easy. Visit for details. The Dukes help an habitually-making-moonshine-but-constantly-getting-caught friend of Uncle Jesse's by the name of "Hard Luck" after he steals Boss Hogg's new tank. Technically I guess it's an "APC" and not a tank, but who cares. It shoots stuff and drives on tracks. Anyway, Boss bought the tank to hide stolen cigarettes in as a place to resell them from. Hard Luck steals the tank to make his moonshine inside of it, thereby giving him a portable manufacturing facility that will be hard to catch by the Feds. As you may have guessed, he didn't know about the contraband cigs, the tank breaks down on the Dukes land, and the world will come to an untimely end unless they get rid of the evidence. There's not enough General Lee action in this one for our taste, but it's still good fun. Hijinks ensue. The post K&F Show #26: Follow That Still – S2 Epis