Brief Remarks

Open To Debate: What is the state of abortion rights and access in Canada?



In the United States, a leaked draft opinion on the constitutional right to abortion has put those who support choice on high-alert. The constitutional protection of that right is at risk, putting the well-being and lives of millions in the path of peril as the country tilts ever further towards Christian theocracy. As news of the U.S. leak circulated, many in Canada took notice and raised questions about the right to choose in this country, wondering whether it was secure and for how long. As is often the case, a chorus of “It can’t happen here,” emerged. But this country has its own issues when it comes to abortion rights and access. To find out what those are, we ask: What is the state of abortion rights and access in Canada?On this episode of Open to Debate, David Moscrop talks with Frédérique Chabot, director of health promotion with Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights.