Martini Mortgage Podcast




In June we celebrate National Homeownership Month however every month of every year is a great time to celebrate the once in a lifetime opportunity to build generational wealth that homeownership provides.  Yes, homeownership provides financial and lifestyle benefits and sadly there are many myths that are holding many back.  In this episode of the Martini Mortgage Podcast, Raleigh mortgage broker and Certified Mortgage Advisor, Kevin Martini will not just shares but also address the 3 widely held myths that are preventing many from taking advantage of everything that homeownership has top offer: Homeownership Myth Number 1: You student loans debt means you will not qualify for a mortgage. Homeownership Myth Number 2: You need to have a 20% down payment to secure a mortgage in the Raleigh area. Homeownership Myth Number 3: Renting makes more financial sense. If you have questions about what you hear in this episode of the Martini Mortgage Podcast please call the Martini Mortgage Group which is located in Rale