Jane Hamill | Podcast

Getting Sales With A Quiz with Lindsay from Guild Party



If you want to build your email list with highly targeted prospects, this episode is for you. My guest is Lindsay frorm Guild Party, a fashion brand for women who love role playing games (think Dungeons and Dragons but with real style).  Lindsay started building her customer list BEFORE her product was even ready using a quiz. In fact, from just ONE share on Twitter, Lindsay got 400 new email subscribers in one day! List building with a quiz is proven method for Lindsay and she'll explain exactly how her quiz leads to signups & sales in this episode.  NOTE: Quiz building is the theme this month in my monthly membership, The Club. If you want to setup a quiz, we're all doing it together inside the mebership!  Key things we talk about: The Starting story of Guild Party Building the Brand of Guild Party The Importance Of Knowing Your Audience The Simple Thought Process Behind Building The Quiz Building Your Customer Email List Email List Housekeeping Social Media and Facebook Ads The ROI of Lindsay's Q