Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Future Timelines, Parallel Realities & Proof the Mandela Effect is Real | Cynthia Sue Larson



The idea of future timelines co-existing under what has been called parallel realities is not far-fetched. In fact, “reality shifter” Cynthia Sue Larson says SHE experienced one such timeline where she lived in a dystopian, A.I. controlled, transhuman society. It was when she suffered a very present episode of PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) after re-living this parallel reality that she began looking at the possibility of changing its outcome. According to Cynthia, she was given this experience in order to show herself and others how undesirable “futures,” once we learn of them can be altered - by us! And once humanity (or a portion of it...enough to create a critical mass) realizes their ability to consciously shift outcomes in their favor, an ascension, expansion, or awakening can occur! This is what we discussed within the context of a so-called “secret” program called Project Looking Glass - a technology that allows for both past and future timelines to be viewed and possibly inf