Leigh Martinuzzi

1040 Andrea Small - Navigating Ambiguity



Navigating Ambiguity A thought-provoking conversation with Andrea small to help us all better navigate ambiguity. In our discussion, you will learn how to lean into the discomfort of the unknown to turn creative opportunities into intentional design. Please enjoy! Pick up a copy of Navigating Ambiguity here. Guest Bio. Andrea Small is a design strategist, educator, and now, apparently, a writer. As a Teaching Fellow at Stanford's d.school, she and her cohort originated the “Navigating Ambiguity” curricula, and she has co-authored the forthcoming d.school book "A Designer's Guide to Navigating Ambiguity.” Andrea is currently Creative Lead at Samsung Research America on their R&D Innovation Team in Mountain View, CA. Working closely with SRA executive leadership, her team works at the forefront of advanced technology design and research. She also supports innovation and creativity throughout the R&D organization. She currently teaches “Innovations in Inclusive Design” at Stanford. As part of the course, sh