Shrinking It Down: Mental Health Made Simple

How Does Schizophrenia Affect a Young Person and Their Caregivers?



May is Mental Health Awareness Month! Leading up to this month, we received questions from our Instagram followers. In this podcast miniseries, Dr. Gene Beresin and Dr. Khadijah Booth Watkins answer them. Today's question: How does Schizophrenia affect a young person and their caregivers? Dr. Abigail Donovan Joshi of the Mass General First Episode and Early Psychosis Program joins to help answer. Media ListAbigail Donovan, MD (Massachusetts General Hospital)First-Episode and Early Psychosis Program (Massachusetts General Hospital)What Is Family Therapy? (MGH Clay Center)Psychosis in Children and Teens (MGH Clay Center)What Is the Schizophrenia Spectrum? (VeryWell Health) Tune in to "You Ask, Our Docs Answer!" each Tuesday in May for a short episode. Have a question for our docs? E-mail us or tag us on Instagram! Thank you for all you do to support the young developing minds in your life. It really makes a difference. See for privacy and opt-out information.