Couch Riffs

Ep. 227 Spencer Moody (Murder City Devils/M. Krebs)



Our guest this episode is Spencer Moody, singer for Murder City Devils, Dead Low Tide, and most recently M. Krebs who have an album out now on all streaming platforms. The album is a collection of awesome, post-wave gothic americana tunes that were written quarantine style and recorded recently in Seattle at The Kill Room. I hope you enjoy this conversation! Go check out the M. Krebs album and look for Murder City Devils stuff in the near future.  If you're enjoying the Couch Riffs Podcast or our video performances (Spencer recently performed on You Ain't Goin' Nowhere!) please support us on Patreon. Patreon support is what makes Couch Riffs happen and I can't thank you enough for taking the pressure of the back end costs off of my shoulders. Thank you a million times.