Biz Women Talk With Julie Foucht

Episode 156: Connecting with the Energy of Your Space with Krystal Holm



Krystal Holm is a different kind of a Feng Shui Designer & Clutter Expert. She helps “work from home” entrepreneurs declutter FIRST, then design a workspace that empowers them to create the life & business that they want.   Using her proprietary framework, The Designed Life Method℠ Mind, Body, Soul, Home, she helps her clients design spaces & lives they love.   Krystal shows women how to use their workspace as a 3D vision board to help them design who they are becoming & the life they want with it, right into their space. Krystal and I dish on:  - What Feng Shui actually is and why we should pay attention to it  - Tips everyone can use to get into alignment with their surroundings  - Why decluttering is the necessary first step  - How clutter impacts the energy within your space  - The 5 step process of deciding what item(s) can be marked a clutter   - How your mind and body are related to clutter and what to do about it   Purchase your copy of Love Based Feminine Marketing: The Art of Growin