Court Leader's Advantage

Behavioral Health and the Young: Adolescents and The Mental Health Crisis



May 17th Court Leader’s Advantage Podcast Episode This country’s mental health crisis is by no means limited to adults. We know that young people frequently suffer from traumatic events. This fact has only been made worse by the scourge of COVID. A recent survey by the Pew Research Center revealed that well over a third (37%) of U.S. high school students struggle with stress, anxiety, or depression due to COVID-19. We must address this crisis. We do not want to endure the effects of trauma that has been ignored for too long. This month is the 4th of our five-episode discussion with members of the National Judicial Task Force to Examine State Courts’ Response to Mental Illness. Some of the questions we explore include: · What do judges and court administrators see every day in their courts that are clear indicators of this crisis? · What should we be doing in the courtroom now about children, youth, and families with behavioral health needs? · How can judges and court administrators support the health and safe