Jane Hamill | Podcast

Casual Marketing: How to Be More Interesting



Hey! I'm having so much fun with these quickies, especially the Q and A's so, if you have a question you want to be answered, hit me up on social with a comment and hashtag #askfashionbrain. So today I want to talk about CASUAL marketing. Keeping it casual is what people want AND it's way interesting - and more authentic. How can you make your life easier by making your marketing less important, less hard, and less formal? What you'll discover: Why casual is working right now How to be more interesting Prompts to help you attract people without making it harder Mentioned in this episode & resources for you; 7 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Online Store FREE Guide The Club - our monthly membership for marketing & sales Jane's Instagram (if you have a question use #askfashionbrain) And remember..."Perfect is good but DONE is better." xo -Jane