Results Radio With Shawn Shewchuk

20: Dr. Ivan Misner: The Biggest Networking Mistakes Most People Make



“The #1 trait of a great networker is a good listener.” Show Notes: We all know the importance of networking, but chances are you are doing it wrong. Networking doesn’t mean you should go out, shake hands with a hundred people, tell them your name, and give them your business card. That’s not networking - that’s cold calling. True networking is a giving relationship. It means really making a connection with people and helping them. Let me give you an example of bad networking. Most people go to a networking event to sell. No one goes to buy. That’s not networking. You have to go out there, listen to others, and help them. Put them first and they’ll want to help you in return. If you’re not out to put them first you’re going to seem sleazy, pushy, and self centered. In fact studies have shown that extroverts are the worst people at networking. Introverts show all of the best traits of a great networker. They listen, they care, and they make recommendations. On this episode of Results Ra