Results Radio With Shawn Shewchuk

22: Monica Kretschmer: Stepping Into Entrepreneurship



Show Notes: “You have the ability to reinvent yourself every single day.” Many people hesitate when it comes to starting their own business and becoming an entrepreneur. They often times let their worries get in the way, or listen to other people tell them why they shouldn’t do it. Being an entrepreneur isn’t for everyone, and it may not even be for you. If it’s something you are thinking about, though, it probably is for you. The key to being successful is having a plan and knowing when the time is right. To answer the latter first, it’s all about intuition. You will know when the time is right, you’ll have that feeling and that desire. It’ll be hard to sit at a desk in a typical J.O.B. You’ll feel ancy, have a hard time listening to people tell you what to do when you know deep down inside what’s really best. You’ll feel the need to be heard and appreciated. When that happens it’s time to take action. Be prepared to work harder than you ever have before. Build yourself a support netw