Results Radio With Shawn Shewchuk

24: Paul Kazanofski: Everything You Need to Know to Get Started in Business



Show Notes: “If you over analyze things you’ll never get from point A to point B.” - Paul Kazanofski (click to tweet) A lot of people think that success is something you are born into. That the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor. That’s simply not true. There’s no reason that anyone can’t come from a terrible neighborhood and end up in a mansion. The trick is to shift your mindset. So many people have a scarcity mindset that keeps them back. People are afraid to get out there and do things. I hear so many excuses that they don’t have the right tools to get started, or that they don’t know how to get started. If you want to get started, get out there and meet people. Learn as you go with the end goal in mind, because if you have excuses to wait then it’s simply never going to happen. On this episode of Result Radio we are joined by a true Rags to Riches story, Paul Kazanofski. Paul was born in a poor family to immigrants who escaped a communist country. He grew up in one of the worst