Results Radio With Shawn Shewchuk

25: Jason Greschuk: How to Find Your Success and Happiness



Show Notes: “Your vision is going to compel people to want to work with you.” - Jason Greschuk (Click to Tweet) So many times people build businesses for the wrong reason. They set out to focus on financial gain without a goal in site, or a purpose to what they are doing. Both of these things are very important. If you want to have freedom in your life, you really need to know your finances. You need to know that number you need in order to achieve the freedom you want. On top of that, you need to know what problem you are trying to solve for people. Knowing this will help you find your purpose. It’s important to know YOUR purpose, not someone else's. If you aren’t pursuing that then people are either going to find out that you are a fake, or you are going to achieve burnout. It’s this relationship of finding your goal and your purpose that will put you on the path to happiness and success. On this episode of Your Results Radio we are joined by an expert in helping people find their en