Results Radio With Shawn Shewchuk

32: Mark Kenny: How to Become and Educated Investor



View full show notes, resources, and more at Have you wanted to invest in Real Estate, but you’re worried about the risks in market changes? The first thing I want to address, is that there is always risk in everything. You can’t let risk hold you back, because there is no such thing as a guarantee. But secondly, there is a solid investment strategy that can be less likely to be impacted by market fluctuations: Multi-Family Real Estate. Everyone needs a house, and when it comes down to multifamily housing is one of the safest choices. Not everyone can afford a mansion, and not everyone is ready for a single family home.  Nearly everyone who wants to be on their own, or or is just starting a family, lives in a multi-family home.  To dive further into the topic, I bring you one of the best mings out there when it comes to real estate: Mark Kenney. Mark Kenney is a seasoned real estate investor, entrepreneur and founder of Think Multifamily. Mark started his real estate career o