Results Radio With Shawn Shewchuk

Fong Chua: Break Through Fear by Seeking Knowledge



“We are afraid of things that have never happened.” (click to tweet) Humans over complicate even the simplest of things.  It is in our nature to protect ourselves by analyzing the dangers first and creating fears about things that yet happened. It’s the way we prepare ourselves for the worst.  When we know that this is how we work, we can acknowledge our fear and not allow it to dictate our outcomes. From there we can learn. Seek as much knowledge surrounding the things we fear, understand the risks, find a guide who has been through it, and build confidence around taking the next steps. If you want to make a change you have to take the risk. Change is hard. But nothing that is worthwhile comes easily. There are ways to manage your fears. You just have to take a step forward, keep moving, and know that it might not always be perfect but at least it’s movement.  Fong Chua is an entrepreneur, business strategist, real estate investor, speaker, and best-selling author. He has successfully unlocked