Results Radio With Shawn Shewchuk

Frank Shankwitz: The Power of Positive Thinking



“Try something different; there’s always a way to change something.” (click to tweet) Everyone faces hiccups and failures but it's how you chose to handle those situations that will change the course of your life. When presented with a negative, search for a way to change it to a positive. Find something about the situation that you can appreciate and avoid negative thoughts. You have to alternate your thought process and face your challenges in a different way. Approach every failure as a learning experience. This way of thinking will lead to positive actions and therefore positive outcomes. We are a reflection of the people we surround ourselves with so it’s also important to find positive people to be a part of your circle. There are many different ways to solve a problem and many different paths to get to the same place. Be open-minded and embrace the ideas of your peers. Don’t be afraid to try multiple methods and filter them out until you find a solution that works best for you. To talk about his path t