Results Radio With Shawn Shewchuk

Freddy Behin - Achievement vs Fulfillment



“You have to add tools to you; you can’t succeed just by sheer willpower.” (click to tweet) It’s about the journey and not the destination. Who you become as a result of whatever it is you are doing, is far more important than the accomplishment itself.  The most important part of anything you do is to do it for the right reasons. You will always be chasing happiness if you are looking solely for the approval and love of other people. Get to know the person you spend the most time with in your life, yourself. Reevaluate your values as you grow because it’s likely that what was once important to you, is not your priority today. Look at the world around you and ask yourself, what it is that will fulfil you, what is the value you have that the world needs right now, and go towards that. Once you set your mind to what will fulfill you, you need your skillset to back your willpower. Don’t put yourself in a box; it’s a huge advantage to be multifaceted, you don’t have to be just one thing. Continue to develop