Results Radio With Shawn Shewchuk

15: Josh Hinds: Simple Steps to Living the Big Life



Show Notes: “Living big means taking actions every single day towards your intended destination” - Josh Hinds (Click to Tweet) Have you ever wanted to accomplish something but can’t quite find the right way to do it? Do you have ideas sitting on your shelf because life gets in the way? You aren’t alone. Many people want to do something great, and know what they want to do. Sometimes excuses get in the way, like I’m too old now, I have kids to take care of, and many other things. When it comes down to it, your excuses just cover up for bad strategy. I’m not goign to say stop making excuses and do it. I’m going to say make a plan, with action steps you can take daily, and don’t give a chance for excuses to come up. On this episode of Results Radio we are joined by Josh Hinds. Josh is an amazing coach and speaker who has overcome some of the biggest challenges that can be thrown at someone. Download this episode today to hear great advice on how you can stop dreaming and start doing, no m