Mike Murphy Unplugged

The Authority Show



How to overcome fearEstablish yourself as an authorityAsk Mike Anything: (From Blab.im)Question:  Do you recommend using Soundcloud to host my podcast?Answer:     My answer is no. I love Soundcloud as a user and think their design is great. I considered hosting my podcast with Soundcloud, but I was advised against it and I am glad. You want complete control of your RSS feed if you can. As my Scottish online buddy, Kevin Scullion says all the time, you don't want to build your home on other people's land. Furthermore, Soundcloud is rumored to be in big financial trouble, so no need to take the chance. Without having control over your feed, it could be a big hassle to move your RSS feed to a new host. My recommendation and what I use: I use Libsyn to host my audio files and Blubrry/Powerpress to generate my feed using Wordpress. You can't go wrong with either company. I pay $15/mo for Libsyn.1. How To Overcome Fear:It's all about Mindset:The Impostor Syndrome: The Impostor syndrome can be de