Value Add With K&k

#104 Save on taxes, using Cost Segregation Methods



Want to learn how to increase your cashflow and reduce or eliminate your income tax? Join us for a FREE webinar on October 28th at 11am PST, featuring guest speaker, Tim Looney, with Cost Segregation Services. Tim recently helped us with a Cost Segregation study on one of our properties that not only resulted in paying ZERO taxes, we actually got a tax refund! With a team that knows how to interpret the tax laws and use them to your advantage, as a real estate investor, you can benefit just like we did from working with Tim and his team. Learn about: What is cost segregation and how does it work? How to pay less taxes with real estate investing? Its your cashflow/money - Learn to maximize it. Learn more about how real estate investors don’t pay taxes. Keep more cashflow, buy more deals, build wealth faster. Fire your employer faster with less taxes! Here is the link for the detailed presentation: