Value Add With K&k

#133: Ralph DiBugnara: Disrupting the Real Estate Industry



Joining us today on the Get in the Cashflow Game with K&K, is Real Estate Industry DISRUPTOR, Ralph DiBugnara. Ralph Dibugnara is a nationally recognized mortgage expert and a frequent real estate industry commentator, featured in CNBC, Fox Business, Forbes, Huffington Post,, and several other top-tier media outlets. Ralph is also part of the Forbes Leaders Council - members are selected for Forbes Councils based on their depth and diversity of experience, then invited to share their insights via CommunityVoice on With over 15+ years of experience, he focuses on the millennial demographic and redefining the role of the banker in today’s buyer-centric real estate market. Ralph is the creator and visionary behind The Real Estate Disruptor - an event-driven series teaching real estate agents how to obtain media publicity, lead generate and monetize using social media and branding tactics. He is also the creator and founder of The Real Estate Disruptor -an event-series and resource-dri