Python Bytes

#279 Autocorrect and other Git Tricks



Watch the live stream: Watch on YouTube About the show Sponsored by Datadog: Special guest: Brian Skinn (Twitter | Github) Michael #1: OpenBB wants to be an open source challenger to Bloomberg Terminal OpenBB Terminal provides a modern Python-based integrated environment for investment research, that allows an average joe retail trader to leverage state-of-the-art Data Science and Machine Learning technologies. As a modern Python-based environment, OpenBBTerminal opens access to numerous Python data libraries in Data Science (Pandas, Numpy, Scipy, Jupyter) Machine Learning (Pytorch, Tensorflow, Sklearn, Flair) Data Acquisition (Beautiful Soup, and numerous third-party APIs) They have a discord community too BTW, seem to be a successful open source project: OpenBB Raises $8.5M in Seed Round Funding Following Open Source Project Gamestonk Terminal's Success Great graphics / gallery here. Way more affordable than the $1,900/mo/user for the Bloomberg Terminal Brian #2: Python f