The Kibbe And Finnegan Show

K&F Show #221: Easter Candy Rundown By State; Dukes of Hazzard S7E07 Review “Cool Hands, Luke & Bo””



Presented with Holley! Be sure to get signed up for LSFest West asap if you live west of the Mississippi. Visit for details, and visit to buy a few toys for yourself and make SURE you tell them we sent you! Dukes Review: Before I say the following about this season 7 episode, there are two miniature jumps in this episode and that makes me sad. And then there is a real jump that's redeeming, but it’s recycled. And the General Lee is barely in this episode, which is bad. But with all that said, this episode is awesome. It’s not Season 2-3 magic, it’s no Carnival of Thills, it’s not the one where Bo got amnesia and thought he was Boss Hogg’s son, it’s certainly not Happy Birthday General Lee…..but this is a really great episode. Summary: Bo and Luke get caught by some corrupt southern law, and that corrupt southern law does what it does best… off. They get sentenced to a road gang, in fact, and while it's certainly fully intended to be a Cool Hand Luke ripoff, it works! They escape, w