Ai With Ai

Bridge on the River NukkAI



Andy and Dave discuss the latest in AI news and research, including DoD’s 2023 budget for research, engineering, development, and testing at $130B, around 9.5% higher than the previous year. DARPA announces the “In the Moment” (ITM) program, which aims to create rigorous and quantifiable algorithms for evaluating situations where objective ground truth is not available. The European Parliament’s Special Committee on AI in a Digital Age (AIDA) adopts its final recommendations, though the report is still in draft (including that the EU should not regulate AI as a technology, but rather focus on risk). Other EP committees debated the proposal for an “AI Act” on 21 March, and included speakers such as Tegmark, Russell, and many others. The OECD AI Policy Observatory provides an interactive visual database of national AI policies, initiatives, and strategies. In research, a brain implant allows a fully paralyzed patient to communicate solely by “thought,” using neurofeedback. Researchers from Collaborations Pharma