On The Brink With Andi Simon

309: Kim Graham Lee—How To Build A Culture Where Men And Women Truly Support Each Other



Hear how to build a culture that values men and women  There are times when you are fortunate to meet exceptional women. Kim Graham Lee is one wonderful woman who is moving in a very important direction — how to build allyship for men and women. Kim is the CEO of Integrating Women Leaders (IWL) which is joining with Women Business Collaborative, of which I am a member, to conduct the first nationally-focused study to measure the practice of allyship with women in corporate America today. The primary focus of IWL's 2022 benchmark study is to take stock of where we are in building better cultures where men and women can support each other. This is truly groundbreaking...please plan to listen. Watch and listen to our conversation here When women are in leadership roles, companies do better Yet for women to move into corporate leadership roles is often a challenge. Women do not need to be “fixed.” Rather, they need business environments where they can bring their “whole selves” into the workplace, and find a cul