Lawyer V. Lawyer

Things that Irk Us About the Other Side



Debbie and Gary talk about the main pet peeves that they have about what opposing counsel does at trial and which is ineffective. Debbie and Gary discuss not having a plaintiff at trial in the courtroom, not putting in medical bills, not admitting fault well, not impeaching in cross-examination appropriately, not having a cohesive theory of the case, and being too focused on technology, and not having a backup plan. Personal injury Law Firm serving all of Missouri and Illinois. Burger Law is a Personal injury Law Firm that has successfully recovered millions of dollars to compensate car accident victims and their families. When a driver breaks the rules of the road and injures or kills another person, they should be held responsible. If you are injured in a car accident, your case likely has difficult legal, insurance, and damage issues that require a seasoned car accident attorney to resolve. Injured? Call us today @ (314) 500-HURT in Missouri or (312) 500-HURT in Illinois.