Float Your Boat

S02 – Episode 015: Dinner Detectives – Yves Stenning – Actor, Director, Writer and Dad



Yves is a reluctant star, actor, director, voice specialist, teacher, romantic and more recently writer. Yves wears his heart on his sleeve, today we talk to Yves about his latest project "Dinner Detectives" Travelling back in time and around the world to uncover magical stories behind the food we eat every day. Ever wondered why a sandwich is a sandwich or a pizza
a pizza? Have you ever thought, where does pasta come from, or why the Chinese celebrate New Year with dumplings? Dinner Detectives, Clementine and Aksel travel back in time and around the world to uncover magical stories behind the food we eat every day. The only problem we had with Yves and today's interview is we had way too much fun....so we apologize for some of the sound quality (laughing) it messes with the sound.