Float Your Boat

S03 – Episode 04: The Soul Of A Cup - Rebecca Veksler - SOL Cups



George & I sit down today with Rebecca Veksler. Rebecca is only 24 years of age but she has already created a super successful company called SOL Cups. As the popularity of plastic-free living grows, coffee-lovers are increasingly turning to reusable cups – but which to choose? Rebecca Veksler, 24, has made that decision easy with SoL Cups: the stylish glass cup and bottle range she created with her mother, Rimma. Made using plastic and chemical-free materials, SoL Cups are designed to wean society off disposable plastic, to a more sustainable and holistic option. For Rebecca, who was diagnosed with an Autoimmune disease 1 year ago, the benefits are not only environmental, but health-related. So grab a cuppa and have a listen to this successful young woman's story from hardship to success and back again