Float Your Boat

Season 7 – Episode 006 – Spiritual Teacher, Medium - Shelia V - Author "Brave"



My path hasn’t always been about being a Medium. I remember seeing a spirit as a young child and I was inconsolable. These incredible gifts were an inconvenience for me and they were not valued by society, my family or my social groups. These gifts made my life hard, so I denied my spirituality So I denied these gifts, I hid them from myself and the world. I hid these gifts by denying and discrediting any spiritual experiences that I had. This was the only way I knew to be safe in the world. Then I spent my whole adult life striving to become successful. I got near perfect high school grades, a Scholarship to University. I became a Chartered Accountant, then I went on to hold an MBA with Distinction. After leaving university, I climbed the corporate ladder to become a Chief Financial Officer of a global publishing house. When I first started studying my MBA, I just wasn’t coping. My anxiety was off the scale. I knew the only way to heal myself was to explore what spirituality offered. I have been meditat