Kickass News

Senator Mike Lee on Our Lost Constitution



Does it seem like America is straying farther from the original framework designed by our Founding Fathers?  Does it seem like the Federal government is increasingly encroaching on the rights of individuals and the states?  Do you think the President is expanding the powers of the Executive Branch into dangerous Constitutional territory? If so, then you are not alone.  Senator Mike Lee says he's spent the past 4 years in the U.S. Senate getting a crash course in how politicians, judges, and bureaucrats are slowly wittling away at the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  He says we're entering a period of Constitutional Crisis and he discusses it in his new book, OUR LOST CONSTITUTION: THE WILLFULL SUBVERSION OF AMERICA'S FOUNDING DOCUMENT.  He's coming on the podcast to talk about our Constitutional origins, how we've strayed so far from them, and how we can get them back.  Plus he'll tell us why Senator Harry Reid once locked him in a garage!  It's a true story.   For more information, visit www.KickAssP