Kickass News

The End of Doom with Ronald Bailey, Science Writer for REASON Magazine



My guest today is Ronald Bailey.  He's an award-winning science journalist for Reason Magazine and an adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute.  In his new book THE END OF DOOM: ENVIRONMENTAL RENEWAL IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY, he says the sky ISN'T falling, and in fact, the world is becoming safer, cleaner, and healthier than ever before.  On this podcast, he'll present the proponderance of scientific data debunking a wide range of environmental alarmist myths about overpopulation, world hunger, the "energy crisis," GMOs & pesticides, deforestation, the "cancer epidemic," endangered species, and more.   He'll reveal how activists parading as "scientists" completely ignore the scientific method and overwhelming data when it contradicts their wild theories.  Why?  Because sensational predictions of environmental apocalypse and misinformation campaigns against things like vaccination mask a radically anti-capitalist agenda, and doom has become a powerful fundraising tool for some of the world's biggest environm