An Interview With Melissa Llarena

Ep. 7 - Hear How Michelle a Former Starbucks and Nike Advertising Executive Turned Entrepreneur Decided to Live More Courageously



At last, Michelle Ghilotti, my FIRST female guest! I’ve been following her for years. She was my logical choice because you can learn from her personal and professional acts of courage.  Michelle has lived through several personal tragedies. She has shared her story and is unafraid of being vulnerable and putting herself out there to support other humans. A former advertising professional who worked on mega brands including Starbucks and Nike, she has been an entrepreneur for several years as the owner of a global branding, coaching and empowerment agency. Michelle is also the creator of several life maximizing programs focused on making happiness your business by creating your authentic brand including the Greater Good Party. Tune in to hear Michelle’s take on:   Why creative ideas come to you? And what it’s like to use your courage to bring a passion project to life as is the case for Michelle and the Greater Good Party?   What happens when you follow what feels good? How does your creativity lead you to