Abiding Together

S11 E06 Mother Part 4: Communion in Motherhood



In this episode, we conclude our conversation on motherhood focusing on the feminine genius of maternity. We speak about how to grow in spiritual maternity to allow new life and lasting fruit to come forth through us. We discuss the need to continue to allow others to mother us, as well as the importance of showing up for ourselves and tending to our own needs. We revisit the ideas of abiding in the Lord and living a right-ordered life in community in order to live our vocations as mothers. We pray this week you would bring forth the life God desires to birth in you. Sister Miriam’s one thing - Prayer from Mother Mary Francis “Our Lady is a home where people are helped to be what they can be, to grow to the maturity for which God has destined them. Like her, the family is called to be a place where someone helps me to rise when I stumble. Always a hand reaches out to sustain me, and my hand goes out to help the stumbling one. All these appellations that the Church heaps upon Our Lady show her as both homemake