Rabbi Daniel Lapin

From a Dallas Suburb to a Mountain Top in Judea-God’s Uncertain World & How to Thrive In It 10/15/16



In order to combat the destructive progressivism that imperils us all, America needs politicians who are pit bulls not poodles. Increasingly hyper-left wing prosecutors use the almost unlimited power of their offices to destroy conservative leaders, candidates, and organizations. What they did to Gov. Scott Walker, they are doing to Trump and others. I speak with four young American couples living the consumer dream of luxury and security who picked up their young families and left their homes and careers behind in San Francisco, Seattle, Dallas, and Chicago to immigrate to a mountain-top settlement situated dangerously and controversially on the west bank of the Jordan River-beyond the “Green Line.” They inspired Mrs. Lapin and me. What makes so many Americans behave altruistically and idealistically rather than expediently and rationally? In other words, what produces human greatness? How knowing that we live in an uncertain world makes us better and more successful people. Learn more about your ad choic