Dr. Lisa Gives A Sh*t

DLG275 David Henry Nobody Jr. finds a productive new home in the metaverse.



I’ve know David Henry Nobody, Jr. for years as a friend and fan. We reconnected her to discuss how prescient his work was and his latest NFT successes. David is someone who literally is obsessed with making art and has sacrificed more than most to do it. He has several bodies of earlier work (check out this HILARIOUS piece about him on CNN from 1997 that inspired Alex VonFurstenberg) that are different from his work today, most notably as Alex Vonfurstenberg where he surreptitiously made his way into major social functions and was photographed with celebrities. He has a great story about being photographed with (then) president Bill Clinton. If you really want the dirt on David’s upbringing and his relationship with his father you’ll want to check out our Dr. Lisa session we had from 2016 HERE. Follow David Henry Nobody Jr. on Instagram HERE. See more about David's and his work and varied projects on his website. Current exhibition: NEGATIVE INFLUENCER