Dr. Lisa Gives A Sh*t

DLG279 High achiever in the life and art, Kerry Gaertner Gerbracht takes us through her growth process during the pandemic.



Kerry Gaertner Gerbracht is a well respected woman in the art world having two degrees in art history (Wellesley College, BA,, Columbia University, MA,) as well as distinguished writing in art publications, various art world committees along with being a member of the feminist panel of Brooklyn Museum. Kerry was an unusually high achiever in school growing up as well as just being so good at everything. She is tall, articulate and outspoken, fearless. We get to find out how someone who is capable at doing everything learns to step back a bit from doing it all in life and at home with her husband and two kids and wound up building her own business, Ver Sacrum FIne Arts Consulting in the process.