Dr. Lisa Gives A Sh*t

DLG283 Shonali Bhowmik has some great insights about happiness and the life of a creative person.



Shonali Bhowmik is a musician, actress, comedienne, filmmaker, writer with a law degree! Her bio is extensive, but here's a taste of what she's involved with mostly right now—she co-hosts her own live variety show podcast series called We Don’t Even Know AND she is the leader of the indie rock band Tigers and Monkeys for which she is the songwriter, singer, and guitar player. I learned so much from this session with Shonali. She creates purely from the need to create and grow. I kicked the emotional tires and she honestly just seems like a naturally happy, yet driven creative person, self-motivated—with a key ingredient—HARD WORK! Oh and a great family, which she appreciates. Further Bio: She is a member of the popular comedy collective Variety Shac, with Chelsea Peretti, Heather Lawless and Andrea Rosen. Shonali was the host of the Shac’s popular Upright Citizen’s Brigade live show. She has also created television pilots for the Adult Swim and IFC networks. She wrote and directed the short film, Sardines Ou