Flix And A Six

Episode 185: We take a trip to the Grand Canyon in search of... well, Nobody



The Basics Flick — Movie Title Six — Grand Canyon Prickly Pear Wheat Ale Hosts — Anthony Costanzo & Alessandro Biolsi Tweet-length ReviewsVince Gillian presents John Wick 4: Home Alone. 8/10 — AnthonyPart Taken, part John Wick, part slapstick dark(?) comedy… this movie is fun! Where else can you see old ass Christopher Lloyd shotgunning henchmen. 7.5/10 — AlBookmarks Six — 00:18:58 News & Nuggets — 00:26:35 What We’re Consuming — 01:02:13 Fun & Games — 01:37:24 Flick — 01:50:32