Karen Rands, Compassionate Capitalist

Vertical Farming Hits its Stride with Eden Green Technology



Hydroponic and Vertical Farming is a technoligical advancement in agriculture that shows great promise in creating sustainable farming, reducing environmental impact, and improving access to produce in densely populated communities.   Eddy Badrina is CEO of Eden Green Technology, a vertical farming technology company dedicated to changing the way we farm our food and feed our communities with their regenerative business model.  Eddy joins Karen Rands on this episode of the Compassionate Capitalist Podcast to talk about the advancement of this Agro-Tech for economies of scale for making this an affordable and effective method for urban farming.  In one year, a 1.5 acre greenhouse built with Eden Green’s technology (on a roof top or in repurposed empty office and retail locations) can grow 2.7 million heads of leafy greens and harvest 11-13x more times than a traditional farm, while using exponentially less energy and water than a typical greenhouse. Visit https://www.edengreen.com/ to learn more about the te