Karen Rands, Compassionate Capitalist

The Next Giant Leap and "Collective Capitalism"



Cameron MacPherson has a Big Idea he is calling The Next Giant Leap.  MacPherson's publication of The Next Giant Leap offers open-source blueprints for communities to implement systems that can solve resource scarcity, reduce climate change and contribute to a growing thriving economy.  With every product, there is a by-product.  With every action, there is a reaction.  The Next Giant Leap systems interlink and interact so that those by-products and reactions are used to solve another problem or produce another resource for the betterment of the community and HumanKind.  Cameron and Karen explore these ideas and the concept of "collective capitalism" extensively on this episode of the Compassionate Capitalism Show, yet still only hit the highlights.   To learn more and get your own copy of The Next Giant Leap manifesto, visit: http://nextgiantleap.org We are seeking to shift a mindset from make, take, use, dispose TO make, take, use, reuse, recycle--- to minimize waste as we repurpose it to create abundance